Saturday, August 31, 2019

Task Two Cathy Ann Wilson-Bates Western Governors

Task Two Cathy Ann Wilson-Bates Western Governors University EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE & APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH EBP 1 Brenda Luther, PhD, RN January 25, 2012 Task Two Introduction: What I have learned about working with children in a chronic healthcare setting like dialysis is that they are resilient beings with the propensity for rapid changes in their medical condition. Children almost always surprise me in their unique description of symptoms and pain. Depending on their age, they may not be able to describe the symptoms they feel or tell me â€Å"where it hurts†.A simple ear ache may be described as a â€Å"drum in my ear† or may be observed with non verbal cues like tugging on the ear. Acute Otitis Media is seen quite often during the cold and flu season. Recent clinical guidelines suggest waiting twenty four to seventy two hours before beginning antibiotic therapy. Parents of children with symptoms of otitis media are accustomed to receiving a prescription for ant ibiotics before they leave the medical office. Adults as well are preconditioned for the little white slip of paper from their physician. You can read also Coronary Artery Disease Nursing Care PlanWaiting twenty four to seventy two hours to evaluate the need for antibiotics will definitely reduce the over-prescription of antibiotics as well as their efficacy. The waiting and watching of several days may seem like an eternity to a parent caring for a sick and crying child. Educating parents during routine visits to the physician office about the risks of over-prescribing antibiotics will help when the physician needs to discuss the possibility of waiting and evaluating before prescribing antibiotics.Providing a list of comfort measures parents can follow may help relieve the anxiety they have in caring for a sick child. Any comfort measure taken to reduce crying is helpful to the parent of a sick child, but mostly to the child. The following table and paragraphs will share the results of how one group of nurses at an outpatient clinic used clinical evidence to manage this situation. Source |Type of Resource |Source appr opriate or |Type of Research | | |general information, |inappropriate |primary research evidence, | | |filtered, or unfiltered | |evidence summary, evidence-based | | | | |guideline, or none of these | |American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of|Filtered |Appropriate |Evidence-based guideline | |Family Physicians. Clinical practice guideline: | | | | |Diagnosis and management of acute otitis media. | | | |Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and |Unfiltered |Appropriate |Evidence-based guideline | |therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media. | | | | |Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. | | | | |Ear, nose, and Throat, Current pediatric diagnosis and|General |Inappropriate |None of these | |treatment. | | | | |Treatment of acute otitis media in an era of |Filtered |Appropriate |Evidence –based guideline | |increasing microbial resistance.Pediatric Infectious| | | | |Disease Journal | | | | |Results from interviews with parents who have brought |Unfilte red |Appropriate |Primary research evidence | |their children into the clinic for acute otitis media. | | | | | | | | | Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media. (2004). American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians. Clinical Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis and Manegment of Acute Otitis Media. American Academy of Pediatrics , Vol. 13 No 5 1451-1465. This article is an evidence-based clinical guideline. It is a systematic review making it a filtered resource which is very appropriate for this situation. The article describes the current, (as of 2004) recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Acute Otitis Media (Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media, 2004). These guidelines show several different ways to treat acute otitis media depending on the symptoms of the child. It states that sometimes waiting to give antibiotics is good and sometimes waiting to give antibiotics is not good. This article is appropriate and provides clarity on the topic. Block, S. L. (1997).Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media. The Pediatric Infectious disease Journal , Volume 16 (4) pp 449-456. This article discusses antibiotic resistance and describes the bacterial pathogens which are responsible for infections causing acute otitis media. This article is appropriate. It contains a comparison of studies performed based on the different types of bacteria which cause acute otitis media. It stresses the importance of identifying the bacteria causing the infection before giving antibiotics so that number one the bacteria can be eradicated and other bacteria will not become resistant (Block, 1997).PE Kelley, N. F. (2006). Ear, Nose and. In M. L. W. W. Hay, Current Pediatric Diagnoisis and Treatment (pp. 459-492). Lang. This textbook source contains general information on the ear, nose and throat. There is much more information here regarding basic anatomy and physiology as well as characteristics of the ear nose and throat. The information regarding otitis media is basic and not an appropriate source of research in this situation for three reasons. Number one, the information is very basic, number two, it does not give any up to date information on how to treat this type of infection, and number three there is too much non-relevant information.McCracken, G. H. (1998). Treatment of acute otitis media in an era of increasing microbial resistance. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal , Volume 17(6) pp576-579. This article is a review of the known etiologies that may cause acute otitis media. The article gives up to date information on therapeutic approaches when selecting an appropriate antibiotic therapy. We don’t practice â€Å"cookie cutter† medicine. The same prescription is not always right for all patients or all communities where some bacteria’s may be more prevalent than others (McCracken, 1998). This is appropriate information f or this group of people or community. media, P. o. (n. d. ).Interviews. (C. nurses, Interviewer) This set of interviews is simply raw data. General information can however provide great insight as to what is happening out in the community. For example, this information might shed light on the fact that if the parents are willing to hold off on antibiotics for example, would they be more likely to follow up and come back into the clinic when asked? The reaction of parents is dependent upon other several basic factors like finances, a belief system and possibly the ability to obtain transportation. Knowing how the community is going to respond to their choice may have a great effect on the decisions they make.When evaluating the findings of these sources cumulatively, one must first determine the causative pathogens infecting patients in this given community with acute otitis media. After pathogen determination we can determine which antibiotics may be most useful in eradicating the g iven bacteria. Careful selection of antibiotic therapy will reduce the propensity for antibiotic resistance. Watchful waiting may be a good thing from the perspective of increasing microbial resistance however we must always evaluate patients on their individual needs or on a patient by patient case. One size doesn’t always fit all. Patient education is the key to keeping the public informed of current practice.Physicians and Nurses need to be consistent in the lesson plan shared with patients and remain true to our scope of practice. Communication is essential between the physician, nurse and other multidisciplinary team members in order to provide the best care. There are many considerations in assessing if patients are able to withstand the waiting and evaluation period. Low income families are one example of how the waiting and watching method might not work. Parents may have to take time off work to come to clinic with a sick child. They might struggle finding money for the additional return trip to the clinic and may risk losing their job if they take more time off work.Many low income families may have already waited before seeking help thus creating their own watchful waiting period. They also may not be able to afford antibiotics and as a result may not give the full dose if symptoms have subsided. The perception is that they will save the medication for the next time symptoms arise. Confidentiality might be an issue in smaller communities. People tend to be concerned about neighbors and co-workers and some may not care to share their experience with others. This may be an issue for parents who don’t share custody as in the case of divorce. It is a greater issue when parents or partners don’t share the same fundamental values, especially those related to healthcare. Conclusion:Watchful waiting like the nurses in this clinic are looking at may be useful for some of the patients, but not all. Again, a one size fits all philosophy is not always appropriate in healthcare. Tools like algorithms may be helpful in determining the appropriateness for watching and waiting versus immediate action as determined by physical findings and social circumstances like parental adherence for follow up and ability to afford treatment. Whatever course you choose, watchful waiting or immediate antibiotics the best practice remains a plan of care based on the individual needs of our patients. References Block, S. L. (1997). Causative pathogens, antibiotic resistance and therapeutic considerations in acute otitis media.The Pediatric Infectious disease Journal , Volume 16 (4) pp 449-456. McCracken, G. H. (1998). Treatment of acute otitis media in an era of increasing microbial resistance. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal , Volume 17(6) pp576-579. media, P. o. (n. d. ). Interviews. (C. nurses, Interviewer) PE Kelley, N. F. (2006). Ear, Nose and. In M. L. W. W. Hay, Current Pediatric Diagnoisis and Treatment (pp. 459-492). Lan g. Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media. (2004). American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians. Clinical Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis and Manegment of Acute Otitis Media. American Academy of Pediatrics , Vol. 113 No 5 1451-1465.

National Intigration in Malaysia

This article examines the direction of ethnic politics in Malaysia by investigating the 2008 election results and the subsequent political maneuverings of political parties following the election. The results do not clearly demonstrate the demise of ethnic politics; however, the communal political paradigm of the Barista National Party (BIN) has become increasingly ineffective in its attempts to appease both Malay and non- Malay communities.Following the election, the BIN seems to have moved towards the adoption of a multivalent agenda, whereas its affiliated parties have chosen to maintain their communal political paradigm. Furthermore, the Pakistan Arrays has not outlined a clear multivalent platform and has failed to reject communal politics. The Malaysian political paradigm has yet to shift qualitatively away from ethnic politics. View full text Download full text One of the key concepts of national integration in Malaysia is to increase and develop the country economically.In a plural society like Malaysia, citizens nowadays hardly ark together due to lack of communication between each another. Therefore, it is important for national integration to take place so that people in Malaysia work together and help each other to increase the country's income; this is because when there is unity there is teamwork. On the other hand, according to Data Limit P. G. (2003) building a harmony society is also one of the key concepts of national integration.Malaysia a country that has many types of races of people must reduce the difference between them and to come as one to create a community with strong oral and ethic values so that a harmony society can be build. According to Boolean (2007), the other key concept of national integration is to motivate Malaysian nowadays to learn to unite with each other and also to enhance the patriotism spirit in them. This is to ensure that people from various ethnic groups here can learn to tolerate each other and work together to bring our country forward.Bell Abstract An important characteristic of many countries is that they exhibit, to greater or lesser intergovernmental fiscal systems. This paper explores some of the varied extents and manners in which such asymmetrical treatment may help or hinder the maintenance of an effective nation-state, where â€Å"effectiveness† encompasses both how effectively, efficiently, and (perhaps) equitably public services are provided throughout the national territory and also the effects asymmetry may have on the very existence of â€Å"fragmented† nation-states.Key words: federalism, decentralization, asymmetry, subsidiaries JELL codes: HUH, DAD Belgium, Bosnia-Herringbone, Canada, People's Republic of China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Philippines, Russia, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland?what can this diverse set of countries possibly have in common? One important answer is that each contains within its boundaries a significant territorially based group o f people who are, or who consider themselves to be, distinct and different in ethnicity, in language, in religion, or Just in history (ancient or recent) from the majority of the population.Indeed, contrary to the common view?one might say mythology?that the most natural† nation-state is a unified and homogeneous entity, such â€Å"fragmented† countries (Bird and Stauffer, 2001)1 are found throughout the world. Homogeneous nations are more the exception than the rule. Indeed, heterogeneity, whether ethnic or economic, is a more common feature of most countries than homogeneity. 2 A second important characteristic of many countries is that they exhibit, to greater or lesser degrees, some â€Å"asymmetry' in the way in which different regions are treated by their intergovernmental fiscal systems. While†¦ [continues]

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Ancient Korean Culture

The traditional Korean Society retains a strong Confucian tradition, which is clearly manifested in the strong devotion to the family. This tradition combined with the passionate nature of Koreans can perhaps explain strong loyalties felt between relatives, co-workers, classmates, and friends. This is all true of Korean society today. Even though a number of things have changed, there is still a strong emphasis on the traditional family (People, 1). One of the big differences in the traditional Korean family structure and the current family structure is arranged marriages. Arranged marriages reflected the traditional belief that marriage is the union of two families, not simply two people. Under the old family system parents arranged marriages without the consent of their children, either male or female. In the current Korean family this is still true but to a different extent. Since under the old family system, daughters left their parents to live with their husband†s families, marriage was often traumatic for them. New wives of course tried to please their husband, but more importantly, they had to please their mother in laws. The mother in law directed then wife in her housework and had the power to send the bride back home in disgrace if the bride seriously displeased her. Sometimes this adjustment was hard for the bride (Sorensen, 1). Arranged marriages continue to become popular because young men and women in Korea find casual socializing awkward and often feel like the lack experience to choose their own partners. Although casual dating is now more common, most interactions between young men and women occur in groups. Arranged marriages also seem safe because to go between clearly appraises the social background of the bride and groom. After their engagement a couple will date so they know each other well by the time they marry. The pattern is so common that Koreans assume that a young couple who dates regularly will be married (Sorensen, 3). Another aspect of Korean family structure that has changed is the role of men. Sons were more valuable than daughters. Sons had to say at their parents† home even after marriage. This law was revised. Since people often move to find work, eldest sons often cannot live with their parents. The New Civil code of 1958 legalized change favoring the new conditions. Essentially, the new code weakened the power of the head of the household, and strengthened the husband-wife relationship (Male children, 1). Sons were also important because under Korea†s Confucian tradition the family name and family tradition was passed down through male heirs. When a couple could not produce a male heir, they would try to have a son with another woman in order to guarantee that the family name was carried on to the next generation. Parents also depended on their sons when they retired. Today the house head cannot determine where family members live. An eldest son can now leave home against his father†s will. Husbands and wives share power to determine the education punishment of the children. Children can decide on their own marriages, and permission is not required if they are of age. Younger sons leave their parent to form their own families when they marry, and the head of the household no longer has the legal right to manage all family property. Since the New civil code, all children have equal claim in their parents property (Sorensen, 2). A third aspect of change in the Korean family structure is the division of labor of males and females. In the tradition family, men labored outside, taking care of major field crops, while women worked inside doing housework, spinning, weaving, cooking, and raising the children. To a certain extent this tradition lives on today, even as more and more women take jobs in the modern work place. Husbands usually think it is embarrassing to help with the housework, although some of the younger ones help (Male children, 2). The raising of Korean children is done pretty much the same way in the traditional family structure as in the current family structure. Young children were and are indulged. Toilet training was relaxed and children were not disciplined before they were old enough to reason. By the time a child reached six or seven, training began in earnest. Parents began the strict separation of girls and boys, in accordance with Confucian ethics, and they trained children to use the respectful voice of those older (Differences, 2). By the time he reached seven a boy knew that he must use the respectful mode of speech to his older brother, and he knew that failure to do so would result in swift and certain punishment. All of these things are still done today. The only difference is the position of girls in these families. Traditionally, a girl by seven usually knows her position in the family was inferior to her brother†s because when she was married, she left the family. Now, both of them have the option of leaving or staying (Differences, 2). Finally the last aspect of the Korean family culture that has not changed is the importance of education for Korean children. A common belief in Korean is children are reflection of their parents. Parents are expected to all out support their children†s education, often sacrificing their own comfort. More money is spent on private tutoring and exam schools than on public education. Koreans put great stock in a college education. It is the most important factor in deciding one†s career. Another reason is Korean parents† devotion to their children. They will do anything to ensure their children†s success and happiness. Many parents also hope that their children will achieve the success that they dreamed of but never achieved (Sorensen, 1). In spite of recent changes, fundamental characteristics of the traditional Korean family remain. Each person in the family still has a clearly defined role, each dependant on others within the family unit. Korean†s adapt their traditional ideas within the family to new conditions. The family still retains a male house head. Inheritance of family leadership still continues through the father†s line, and sons still inherit more wealth than daughters do. Children, especially eldest sons, are still held responsible for the care of their aged parents. The structure of the Korean family remains with only a few changes. The core Confucian values, which shaped the family, are still a great force in Korean Life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama bin Laden) Essay

The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama bin Laden) - Essay Example The reason why Osama bin Laden was hailed as an international criminal and terrorist was because he had been involved in setting up the banned outfits Al-Qaeda and the attached wing Taliban. What these groups brought to the fore was massive killing of people all around the globe (Searcey 2011). Their number one priority was to make sure that the so-called Muslim preaching was made significant yet they conducted their own attacks, all in the name of the religion of Islam. Osama bin Laden, along with his close aides was able to gather a great amount of hate all over the world for these activities. I am of the view that once Osama bin Laden was caught, he should not have been killed since he was unarmed. As he has slaughtered thousands of people worldwide, it would have been better had he been captured alive. If this was done, the number one criminal would have been taken to the United States where criminal proceedings shall have been held. But this was not to be, and Osama bin Laden wa s killed which essentially closed the chapter once and for all. Since he was required by the US government dead or alive, the US Navy SEALs only found it appropriate to kill him and then take his body forward. I do not think this served the purpose since his death did not teach people a lesson as his capturing alive would have. His conviction would have sent a totally unique message to all the criminals and terrorists all over the globe.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

From Failure to Promise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

From Failure to Promise - Essay Example This book is also a story of faith i.e. the author believes and therefore highlights how God transformed him from being his â€Å"ordinary self† to his â€Å"ideal self† and in the process directed him from failure to promise. This book has had a huge impact on me. It has made me see beyond my failures. I see hope and feel motivated after going through Dr. C. Moorer’s journey. This story tells us never to give up, i.e. do not be quitters. Life is full of opportunities and by keeping faith and following God’s guidance, anyone can reach unfathomable heights. Dr. Moorer belonged to a Christian family where, from the very beginning he had been taught the significance of education and trust in God in a person’s life. He was born of very hard working parents who had implanted in him strong work ethics. His father had always encouraged him to never give up in any situation and always fight back if you fail the first time around. It must have been the resul t of this that even after failing a semester in GMI Engineering and Management Institute, Dr. Moorer did not give up and came back with more determination to achieve his dream, i.e. being an engineer. He had to face many difficulties in the way leading to his dream job but again he proved himself to be a fighter and not a mere quitter. The result of his endurance was such that he landed up with a great job in a very reputed telecom company. Dr. Moorer did not stop at that. He left his job and completed his doctorate in business administration to earn for himself the title of a doctor, a huge honor. Throughout his journey, he followed the voices of the learned who taught him the significance of understanding God and making him a part of his plans. He believed and followed the teachings and claims of the Holy Scriptures. Cleamon realized that God was not just a story that he had learned during his childhood at the church, but he was for real. He felt His presence at every important po int in his life and that motivated and guided him to unconceivable heights. This story has made me look for my inner voice, try to connect to His voice and silently trust and obey it, in order to discover my real potential. I have learned the skill of endurance and I never give up on my dreams now. I believe and have included God in my plans and I now work honestly and diligently towards my dream of becoming a civil rights attorney one day. Another realization that I had while going through this book was that in this life we all live for our own selves, keep running and fighting for our unfulfilled dreams but, life is much more than that. If God has made us capable, then it is our duty to show Him some gratitude and we can do it by being His ideal son and for that we need to do something in order to improve the lives of at least some people of the society. At the moment I am a student but I try to do my bit by helping out in non-profit organizations, donate money or some possessions to the less fortunate etc. But, once I reach my desired level of professional success, I have certain plans which will at least help a section of the society. I have planned to start my mission by funding the education of at least one orphan. I then want to convey this thought to all my fellow colleagues, friends, relatives etc. and urge them to fund the education of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Nursing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Nursing assignment - Essay Example This confusion poses certain problems in the practice of critical care nursing. The nurse working in the hospice environment has a clear understanding of palliative care in allowing for natural death. But in the critical care area, this understanding is clouded and misinterpreted. The aim of this study is to investigate the lived experience of critical care nurses in relationship to their understanding and implementation of care based on their assumptions. Nurses, the primary caregiver to patients, are infrequently involved in the decision to terminate life saving measures. Many nurses question why a patient with a DNR order should be admitted into the critical care area, and what care is appropriate in light of a patient’s DNR status. The current economic crisis in health care is a very real and publicized problem. Hewitt & Marco, 2004, report that intensive care unit (ICU) costs have continued to climb and now total 20% of all hospital charges in the United States (p.19). Moreover, the growth rate of hospital beds has been 1.4% per year versus 6.2% for ICU beds (Hewitt & Marco, 2004). This issue is particularly relevant in patients with terminal illnesses where the goal of care and suffering are increasingly important issues. And should a DNR order influence other aggressive interventions that are only available to a patient in the ICU? Moreover, the term DNR has different meanings to different health care professionals, fostering a broad range of interpretation. The legal term DNR, indicates that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) not be initiated at the time of cardiac or respiratory arrest (Thibault-Prevost & Hodgins, 2000). However, there is confusion among nurse’s to interpret DNR as a measure to withhold all treatment (Puntillo, Benner, Drought, Drew, 2001). Critical care nurses are particularly affected by DNR orders because they aim to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Inference technique in Access control Decisions Research Paper

Inference technique in Access control Decisions - Research Paper Example The Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) delineates as the architecture that pushes forward each and every request to the Policy Decision Point (PDP). Furthermore, the PDP then investigates the request that is made within the application (Molloy et al. 157). The contemporary access control system depends upon the PEP and PDP. The PDP is generally implemented as a fanatical server that is authorized in fact; it is located on the different node as compared to the PEP nodes (Molloy et al. 157). In order to implement the reliable policy all over the system the architecture of the PEP must provide enough capability to connect with the PDP to inquiry decisions otherwise it has to suffer from the single point failure. The significant features that can accelerate the performance of PEP are (Molloy et al. 157): For access control a detailed research regarding the distributed deployment has been completed. In fact, earlier work is been measured as the PEP caching as mentioned by Wei, Even and other researchers though caching is supported by the personal access request (Tripunitara and Carbunar 155). The PDP proactively move on the complete section of the state in current case that enables to pertains a session at SDP. At the same time, the current technique seems to be another form of caching if compare to the techniques what applied before. (Tripunitara and Carbunar 155) However, Wei et al believes that such distribution access control enforcement is only proposed for RBAC. The Wei et al centers his opinions on the bases of authentication recycling and not on the bases of performance. However, the access implementation depends upon the better performance because it does not depend upon the â€Å"cache warmer â€Å"or other related issues (Tripunitara and Carbunar 155). The bloom filters are â€Å"the space-efficient randomized data structure for representing a set in order to support membership queries† (Là ³pez-Ortiz and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cause of china's one child policy (argumentative research paper) Paper

Cause of china's one child policy (argumentative ) - Research Paper Example Thus given the situation, experts now believe that the system should be eased with the introduction of the two child policy as it will help in rebalancing the population and also relieve the people of the stress associated with childbearing. The one child policy in China, which was launched in 1979, was framed keeping in mind the social and economic consequences of rapid population growth. While family planning services were available in China since 1953, the increase in death rate resulted in a 2.8% rise in population growth rate by the 1970s. This expansion of the population was considered by some as a major strength for the country. This was echoed by several leaders such as Mao Zedong who believed that China would become stronger if there were more people. This perception prevented the inception of several voluntary family planning programs in the country (Potts; Kane and Choi). However the rapid increase in the population put a strain on the government which resulted in the incl usion of contraception and abortion services both to the urban and rural population in the fourth five year plan of 1970. While these policies helped to curb the growing birth rate the government set a growth rate target of 1% for 1980. This target was however, difficult to achieve and by the year 1982 the census revealed that the country had around 1 billion people. This resulted in the inclusion of stricter policies by which the government aimed to control the population rate to about 1.2 billion by the year 2000. This lead to the introduction of the one child policy in the year 1979 as many economic experts such as Deng Xiao-ping believed that the economy and living standards of the country would not improve with a growing population rate (Kane and Choi). The one child policy was implemented by the Family Planning Commission of China according to which parents in the urban areas should limit their number of children to one while those in the rural regions were allowed to have two children in case the first was a girl (Carroll). With the introduction of the one child policy the government initially aimed to achieve a growth rate target of l.2 billion by 2000 through elimination of the birth of the third and subsequent children within a family and also it hoped that 30% of the couples would be willing to forgo their second child. Many considered that sacrificing the second and third child would be vital for the welfare of future generations. Parents were urged to opt for a one child family by providing them incentives such as preferential access to schools, housing and health services (Kane and Choi). At the same time those with larger families were burdened with financial levies on the additional children by increasing their taxes and cutting down access to free healthcare and were also under constant social pressure that also affected their careers (Kane and Choi; Carroll). In larger cities such as Shanghai many couples had already opted for the one child f amily as the pressure for both partners to work full-time and the demands of growing household restricted urban couples to have a single child. The adoption of the policy in the rural setting was difficult as aging farmers and peasants had to depend on their children during their old age. As daughters were given away in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

MRP5 - Methodology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MRP5 - Methodology - Assignment Example However, it will adopt the use of ethnographic study, case study and survey research designs. These will help in analyzing and describing all the necessary data about the target population’s history, behaviors and responses through the use and analysis of the available primary and secondary sources. Thus, the research will be valid, authentic and reliable. As the foundation of education, elementary school needs to be under a good management. This is the only ay through which it can help in preparing learners to be well-groomed and competitive students as they proceed to the middle school, high school and college. However, many cases of poor performance have been experienced in the past especially in the American elementary schools. One of the reasons for this has been lack of motivation to the teachers. This paper will conduct an intensive research to find out if it is really true that elementary school teachers produce dismal performances because they are demoralized. Hence, the research will be a useful one since it will help in giving out recommendations aimed at rectifying the situation. The vastness of education sector means that it has a very large population. With interest groups ranging from learners, teachers, school administrators, school management boards, Department of Education officials and the general public, it means that the list of participants will e so big. However, to save on time and costs, the researcher will have to use a purposive sampling procedure. It will help in identifying the proportionate population sample to rely upon as the representative sample for the entire target population. Giving each participant an equal opportunity to participate in the study will definitely make it bias-free. The hypothesis of this study will be: To what extent does the motivation of teachers influence the performance of teaching staffs in American

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Economic - Essay Example In our ensuing discussions, we will look at three main industries of Germany and compare them with respect to various economic parameters. As of 2009 estimates, agriculture sector forms only 0.8% of the GDP ( The level of employment in this sector as of 2005 was only 2.4% of the total labor force ( Hence we can see that agriculture does not form a very substantial part of the country’s economy in terms of contribution to the GDP or the employment. Graph 1 above shows the value added data in agriculture since 1980. We can easily see that this is on a declining trend over the years. The graph 2 showing the real value added in agriculture shows a lot of fluctuation with negative growth during many years. This means that agriculture is giving way to other industrial segments in terms of contribution to the GDP. However, agricultural land accounts for half of the nation. The above figure shows that since 1990 there has not been much substantial change in the arable and pasture area and it has remained more or less constant. Total farm land has remained around 50% of the total land in Germany. However, there has been a substantial change in the agricultural sector if East and West Germany are looked at what they were before the 1990 unification. In former East Germany, farm employment fell by 20% of its 1989 levels ( The West German part contributes to 75% of the livestock farming of the country. The farm sizes here are very small. The Eastern part has huge farms (200 hectares) and most of the agricultural produce of the country comes from there. Most of the farming here is capital intensive farming ( â€Å"With a share of 61 percent of all sales in agriculture in 1998, animal production is the main reason why Germany still is one of the leading agricultural nations in t he EU (total production: DM 63.9 billion, crop production: DM 25.9 billion, animal production: DM 38.0 billion†

Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Trifles by Susan Glaspell - Essay Example Trifles, I believe, is feminist in the most true sense of that word: it does not seek to speak only about injustice or the place of women in a society which undervalues their importance; it goes deeper than this. Glaspell seeks to understand and, consequently, show how attitudes and perspectives shape these social constructs, and thus, when individuals are appreciated or cheapened in particular societal contexts. To elaborate on this point, consider the lines when the women decide to protect Mrs. Wright. Glaspell wants to focus upon the minds of the individuals involved; although some would like to interpret the women’s actions (to protect Mrs. Wright) as motivated by a shared gender or social status, the truth of their decision lies in what Mrs. Peters succinctly summarized by â€Å"the law is law†. That is, her motivation for helping Mrs. Wright does not consist of purely traditional feminist notions of womanhood, but of a concern for truth and objectivity. The women find evidence at Mrs. Wright’s home, gathered with an open-mind and interpreted fairly. When law enforcement—the Sherriff and the County Attorney—interpret this same evidence, they will do so differently. This, as Glaspell wishes to suggest, is a matter of epistemological difference, and not of the metaphysical difference which many feminists like to suppose exists between the different realm s of male and female. Centrally, Trifles is a work centered around the two separate stories, one male and one female, combined into one in the setting of a commonplace American location. To illustrate the separate perspectives between the different genders involved in the place, following the murder, the law enforcement, male-oriented crowd sees the scene as a place where a grievous crime was committed, whereas the female-oriented crowd sees the scene as a home, or as somewhere that they

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A midsummers night dream Essay Example for Free

A midsummers night dream Essay Additionally, The nobles are a mirror image to the Mechanicals. The Mechanicals are completely opposite to the nobles. The nobles speak in Shakespeare’s elegant verse and are very rich and are also educated. Unlike, the mechanicals that do not speak in elegant verse but in proses and are lower class and are not well educated. The forest represents magic, instinct, love and dreams. It is symbolised by the fairies use of rhyming verse, and night. The prosaic Mechanicals here in the forest are another mirror image to the supernatural fairies. The Fairies are elegant; and speak in a four beat verse chant. So shall all the couples three. Ever true in loving be However, The Mechanicals are clumsy and earthly and speak in prose. I, One snout by name, present a wall. The mechanicals add understanding to the audience through love. In the mist of a supernatural war, the humble Bottom demonstrates something about the blind nature of love through his combination of dignity and foolishness. Reason and love keep little company together Bottom adds understanding to the audiences understanding by this quote. He explains that reason and love have nothing over love Bottom figures this out because he is ordinary, ands proving Theseus wrong. The Mechanicals main contribution is humour. This has the effect of diffusing tension. It grounds down the elevating romance of the lovers and the fairies, and adds to the audiences enjoyment. Shakespeare creates humour through various language techniques. One way in which he does this is by the comic effects of the names of the characters. Bottom name might prefer to a persons backside or an ass in which his head is turned into the head of an ass(donkey) In the play-within-a-play, flute plays Thisbe. The name Flute refers to a flute instrument, which is to a sour fruit â€Å"citrus†. This reflects his personality as he is bitter, serious and gets annoyed. High, pitched. In the play Flute has to put on a high voice as he plays a woman. Also Quince name refers Also the Mechanicals contribute humour by the misuse of their words. The mechanicals mix up their senses a lot in the play. The flowers of odious savours sweet an oxymoron is used here as Bottom mixes up his senses. The effect on the audience is obviously humour as it is a stupid mistake. As flowers do not smell horrible! The mechanicals also mix up senses I see a voice†¦. And I can hear my Thisbes face L187-188 [Bottom] Bottom un-deliberately mixes things up again by saying he sees a voice and hears Thisbes face. The effect on the audience is humour. The Mechanicals enhance the audiences understanding of the theme of love and it transforming power. Shakespeare uses humour to show the ugly can be made beautiful though love. ? What angel wakes me from my flowery bed†¦I pray thee, gentle mortal, sing again† As the audience knows, Bottom cant really sing but the fact that love can change something ugly into something beautiful is what the Mechanicals add to the audiences understanding of the play. The contrast of the lazy Bottom and the beautiful Titania with her high status, her language and power underlines the transforming power of love and shows how people behave foolishly because of love. Although Bottom is ugly and uneducated he speaks wise words. Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful Shows that even though Bottom is ugly and clumsy his wise words about love Bottom shows the audience that love is unreasonable. The effect on the audience is that love is not about status, beauty or law. Which is what the Athenians believe love is about. Humour is used to explore the idea of drama and the conventions of the theatre in the play-within-the-play when Quince begins his prologue he takes away the drama and the tension from the play. He does by adding a speech before the play by reminding the audience a few things before the play starts I am to entreat you, request you are desire you to con them† Quince takes away tension in a humorous by telling the audience before hand that the Mechanicals are a little bit rubbish. Throughout the play-within-the-play Bottom dominates the play but misguides his own talent in many ways. Bottom throughout that play tries to dominate but makes silly while humorous mistakes. â€Å"O grim-looked night†¦O†¦O†¦O† Bottom repetition is entertaining as he is trying to make himself look like a good actor, He is trying to create this impression by using â€Å"o† a lot in his sentences. When Shakespeare uses the actors as the setting. Which are the wall and the moon. It shows the contrast of Shakespeare use of imagery to represent the scene, as there were no props and stage settings in those times. Also Flute says his lines all at once as the actors in the Elizabethan times would only know their own lines not the other actors. Which would be very humorous for the audience as the actors would be all jumbled up. The Mechanicals add enjoyment and understanding through the theme of love and through humour. The Mechanicals also contribute humour. And finally the Mechanicals increase the audiences perceptive of the theme of love and it transforming authority by using Bottom to say something intelligent about love. William Shakespeare uses the Mechanicals in the play for many reasons. Shakespeare uses the mechanicals to add understanding to the audience throughout the play. Also he uses the mechanicals for the audience’s enjoyment. â€Å"A Midsummers Night Dream is still popular for performers and audiences today as it is a play with bizarre and magical dreams and magic happenings thought out the play. Finally, because it is a humorous yet a moral play which anybody can learn from.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ontological And Cosmological Arguments The Existence Of God Philosophy Essay

Ontological And Cosmological Arguments The Existence Of God Philosophy Essay Since the very beginning of human life, man has tried to identify the source of everything. Who am I?, What made me?, Did man create the stars? If not, there must be a higher being than humans, but who? Humans have always felt the need to rely on a higher being, a god, each culture identifying him either as one or many gods working together, but ultimately they provide protection, resources and strength to everyone and everything. But who IS God? Questions such as these prompted philosophers to ponder on the existence of a God; two of the arguments produced in reference to Gods existence shall be discussed. The two approaches of the arguments are based around the a priori and a  posteriori  reasoning. An a priori argument is one where the truth of the proposition does not depend on prior experience. It relies on knowledge collected outside of our own experiences. This is said by some to be an innate knowledge. The ontological argument is based around this reasoning. The basis of the argument itself depends on ones understanding of the nature of God. The Cosmological argument on the other hand, is a  a posteriori  based argument  [1]  . They argue that the truth of a proposition may only be known to be true after empirical knowledge is utilised to prove the statement true or false.  Ã‚  [2]   Renà © Descartes,  often called the father of modern philosophy, developed Anselms argument, in attempting to prove Gods existence from simply the meaning of the word God. The ontological argument is a priori  argument. The basis of these arguments depends upon ones understanding of the nature of God. Anselms definition of God being a supremely perfect being, is the basis of his argument. God must be such a thing that cannot be thought not to exist if he is: Than that which nothing greater can be conceived. (Anslem) Descartes points out that if you imagine a triangle, one of its main properties is that it has three sides and three corners. These are the predicates of a triangle. Descartes expands his point, this time referring to the properties of God. If something perfect is imagined, it must be even more perfect if it was in existence. Furthermore, the most perfect thing has all properties including existence. Descartes, therefore,  believes,  that a supremely perfect being has  all  predicates. Hence, if a perfect being has all predicates one of the properties must surely be existence. Therefore, if God is the greatest conceivable being and has all qualities, he must have all predicates, one of them being existence, therefore God must surely exist. Descartes says that trying to imagine God without the predicate of existence is illogical, like imagining a triangle without three sides!  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ontological argument, in whichever version, has been the object of a great deal of philosophical criticism. Traditionally, the objection posed by the 18th-century philosopher Immanuel Kant has been thought to be one of the most decisive. Kant argued that the problem with the argument lay in its claim that existence is a predicate. (A predicate term describes something done by a subject; so, in the sentence John is eating the predicate is eating describes something that the subject, John, is doing.) Kant argued that existence cannot be a predicate because it does not add any new information to an understanding of the subject. To be told  that John is bald, that he is eating, and  that he is angry is to add three things to the stock of information about him. However, to be told that he exists does not genuinely communicate something about him. Likewise with God; to state simply that Gods existence follows from thinking about him is to have said nothing other than that God exists. Kant argued that nothing of philosophical consequence has been learnt. It is for this reason that many modern-day philosophers have held the ontological argument to be in error. In conclusion to  Descartess  argument, if the most perfect thing has all predicates, then one of those properties must be existence. God is the most perfect and flawless being, hence, he must exist. Similar to the ontological argument, the cosmological argument, also known as the first cause argument, is a classical argument for the existence of God. However, unlike the ontological argument, it derives the conclusion that God exists from a posterior premise (with evidence), as it is based on what can be seen in the world and the universe. It points the belief that there is a first cause behind the existence of the universe. The cosmological argument is based on contingency (dependent on something else) and points out  that things  come into existence because something has caused them to happen. The argument also states that things are caused to exist but they do not have to exist and that there is a chain of causes that goes back to the beginning of time. Time began with the creation of the universe, which came into existence about 15 billion years ago. Plato argued one of the Cosmological arguments earliest forms. He argued that the power to produce movement logically comes before the power to receive it and pass it on  [3]  Ã‚  This basically means that if there if movement, then something has to have caused this. This could not logically go on for infinity, so there has to be a single solitary being that caused this chain of events. This he calls the First Mover. Aristotle also believed in the Prime mover, the uncaused cause, the original cause. In this respect the two arguments are very similar. St Thomas Aquinas developed the cosmological argument. He developed five ways, the Demonstratio, to prove the existence of God. The first three ways forms the cosmological argument as a proof of the existence of God. These three ways are, motion or change, cause and contingency. In the first way, Aquinas states that anything which is in motion is moved or changed by something else. The object causing this push in movement is also given motion by another object. According to Aquinas, infinite regress is logically impossible, and because of this there must be something at the beginning which caused this motion, without being affected itself. This is God. It is certain, that in the world some things are in motion. Now whatever is moved is moved by another (Aquinas Summa  Theologica  [4]  ) From this quote, Aquinas clearly points out that, an object only moved when an external force was applied to it. He continued that objects only changed because some external force had brought about the change. He spoke of things achieving their potential through an external influence.  Ã‚  Aquinas used the example of fire making wood hot. When fire is applied to wood, it changes the wood to achieve its potential in becoming hot. Aquinas, in relation to the fire, stated that in order for a thing to change, actuality is required. If it did not, the thing would have to start the change itself, hence it would require both actuality and potential. However, Aquinas saw this as a contradiction, i.e. if wood could make itself hot then it would be hot already. Wood cannot be hot to beginwith,  otherwise it would not change and become hot. Therefore, Aquinas is emphasising the fact that wood is not hot already is its actuality. Moreover, something must have made the fire change and come  about,  hence each change is the result of an earlier change. However, Aquinas reported that these early changes did not go on to infinity, so there must have been a prime mover He concluded this first mover to be no other but God. In the second way, Aquinas says that God must be an uncaused causer, because if God were the efficient cause, and physically giving the object a push, rather than being The Final Cause, the push would affect God, meaning it would be contingent rather than necessary. To help explain this argument of motion, Aquinas uses the idea of dominoes. One force knocking domino causes the whole line of them to fall. For the objects to go from Potentiality to Actuality there needs to be something in the beginning which has already possessed Actuality. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, moved by no other; and this everyone understands to be God (Aquinas) In the third way, Aquinas brings up the point of contingency of matter in the universe. He identifies that things come in to existence but then stop existing. He states that there must have surely been a time when nothing existed, however, for these to start existing,  the universe must have always existed. Aquinas states: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if at one time nothing was in existence, it would have been impossible for anything to have begun to existà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦therefore we cannot but admit the existence of some being having of itself its own necessityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Furthermore, there must have been a necessary being to bring about this existence, this being God. He evaluated that if God did not exist, then nothing would exist. In conclusion, Aquinas presents in his three ways of proving the existence of God that nothing could have existed without the existence of another. Moreover, something else must have caused the existence of this cause. Hence, a chain of causes is brought about. However, Aquinas emphasises that there must a beginning to the chain of causes. If the chain of causes is finite, then it means that this being does not have to rely on anything else to come into existence. There is only one such beingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦God.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Using Facebook to Create Identity

Using Facebook to Create Identity Facebook biography Introduction A Facebook biography is a form of identity mask. People can hide their defects what they do while others and deceive others about their real identity true self. Traditionally, people make friends with others who are around them. Nowadays, people send friend requests to random people on Facebook or get connected use available through other networks to increase their number of friends. Others might make befriend friends with those people they interact with online. Many friend requests are sent after making contacts in other areas of the Web online websites. However, most people rarely interact with the majority of their Facebook friends, thereby creating a dormant archive of relationships. Despite this, most people want to portray certain traits through their bios. The Facebook bios of celebrities and professionals are frequently searched. In his article Reflections in the Facebook Mirror, Aimee Lee Ball argues that Facebook users hide their identity through well-crafted bios. Using Facebook to hide Identity The need to hide information about oneself is motivated by the increased possibilities of revealing oneself to large groups of people. People hide their identities so they can be liked more. Facebook increases opportunities for communication and influences how like other types of communicative such as the phone and email are used. It is difficult to describe oneself in a few words as required in Facebook; this is the reason professionals some people with a long list of credentials find it stressful difficult to describe themselves. Many people want their biographies to be simple but to reflect their skills and abilities as much as possible approachability. They want to look accomplished, but not boastful. There are professionals who expose a lot of information in order to ensure themselves open and sincere. Most of them have taken professions that are characterized by too much fraud and insincerity. Moreover, people do not want to limit their access by being on the other side of the political or religious division. They will go to great extent to hide their religious and political affiliation. Sometimes, they will make complex depiction of themselves. Regarding religion, Facebook users will make descriptions that make them look normal and acceptable. People rarely state that they are atheist. Others, who present themselves as atheists, have something else to compensate this weak point. Some Facebook users do not like the idea of filling in their bio-data especially because they will be required to get out of their comfort zones. Consequently, they will give haphazard descriptions in the ‘religion’ and ‘politics’ sections. Disgruntlement towards Facebook bios may stem from a desire to keep some aspects private, and the need to escape bias (Boyd Ellison, 2007). Most descriptions are radical and are a sign of protest to the inclusion of these fields in the identity information. In the religion section, a description such as â€Å"I have given up on God and now just worship Oprah† may be protesting at the self-promoting attitudes that people have as they post their information. Facebook bios are a sign of self-adulation and self-satisfaction. Most people do not change their bios after changing their habits, due to things such as relocation. Others may not be experts at stating that what hobbies they actually have. But their association with a hobby reveals innermost desire to become or to achieve. Some professionals reveal more than aspirations; they go to great lengths to show that they did something unique such as attending Yale University or working for Bain Company. They feverishly flood their profiles with events, achievements and projects. Still, some Facebook users prepare their bio in a self-exploration manner. For instance, they may want to test their marketing and branding skills. Self-exploration can be taken in the form of fun. Individuals will play with words in order to appear as jovial and open-minded. Identity formation through a Facebook profile is arguably a rational process of self-deception. Some professionals hire individuals to manage their profiles and increase obscurity through writing and vocabulary (Zà ºÃƒ ±iga, Jung Venezuela, 2012). However, most of the Facebook users use well-crafted words to show that they are interesting and creative. Others may give detailed descriptions in an a ttempt to show non-allegiance to common beliefs and associations. These people tend to deceive themselves. For example, a friend of mine is obsessed with the idea of achieving fame through the use of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. She uses Photoshop on all of photo to make her look prettier and those photos made her over ten thousand â€Å"friends† and â€Å"followers†. But friending people online is not a substitute for real friendship in real life. She doesn’t have many friends in school and the friends she got left her behind because her self-importance of being famous on the social media platforms. But eventually their mask will pull off at a certain point and people will find out who they really are. Depending on individuals, preparing a Facebook bio can be a threat as well as an opportunity. It needs to be brief and may consume hours to make it short and satisfactory. Those who succeed in writing a good bio tend to think of the proc ess as a copywriting exercise. Individuals who see opportunities in writing a bio tend to think of it as an introduction of them on the social network. They think that the bio is the merit for an audience to evaluate them and to decide whether they are worth their time. It is a rare chance for them to make a big impression. Many Facebook bios intend to show what a person does, rather than what a person is. Therefore, such bios comprise on actions and thus have resume-like descriptions of individuals. For instance, a classmate of mine who always posts photo of his designer clothes, luxuries and expensive food on Facebook or Instagram to make other people on the social media platform to think he is wealthy to gratify his vanity. But in real life, he always borrows money from other people and something he does not pay them back. The approach has also been incorporated in the portrayal of character. Rather than stating that, individuals have certain traits such as creativity or sociability, the bio references specific projects or activities that demonstrate those traits. There are people/professionals who help their friends or clients to prepare an appealing Facebook bio (Boyd Ellison, 2007). They tend to have three main ingredients: wit, focus, and evidence of polish. Wit means there’s a governing intellect behind the style while polish means there’s an element of authenticity. The things such people keep in secret, are like they do not define themselves as much as they are exposed to the public (Boyd Crawford, 2012). Firstly, people succeed in deceiving others through their attractive bios that do not reflect their true identities. Secondly, no one is willing to expose the questionable individuals who hide their real identities to deceive and are engaged in crime and misdemeanor. In particular, stalkers are rarely exposed. Facebook users tend to block the friends and strangers with questionable character or background to restrain their access to their profiles. However, they do not do enough to help others for escaping the stalkers, rapists and cons. In addition, many questionable individuals have tailored some keywords to attract the audience. Keywords are used by many Facebook users to specify that what individuals they are. As most social media bios are searchable to some extent, individuals tend to state specific positions or qualities so that they can be found easily. Many Facebook users cannot be measured on the basis of their self-evaluation. Most of the people cannot adequately state their level of competence in their respective positions. It is critical to evaluate them on a person-to-person basis or through their friends and former clients. Professionals also introduce new styles to personal descriptions so that they can appear creative and adventurous to explore. They want to raise their value proposition. Followers cannot determine the value a professional has unless they try his services. However, many professionals do not reveal cases or challenges that threaten, or may have threatened, to keep them out of business. They will not expose such hobbies that are uniquely theirs. Measuring someone through his own impression in person is achievable. A face-to-face meeting can reveal whether the person is familiar with their profession o r not. The discussion of their hobbies and interests can be involved in the meeting. Facebook users who have stated their real interests in their profiles will also give much detail about it. Frequent dealings with a person can reveal whether he has a fully rounded personality or if merely deceives people through their profiles (Boyd Crawford, 2012). For example, people who appear disorganized in their Facebook bio or profile are likely to be disorganized in real life. The intention of determining the real identity of a professional is to verify his identity and level of professionalism. If individuals are found, for example, to have different hobbies, their competence can be put in questioned. Facebook profiles should be changed if progress warrants it. While some people are evaluated by others in their timeline, taking care of some supporters may have their own personal interests. Conclusion A Facebook biography is a form of identity mask that people can wear to deceive others about their real identity. Facebook bios are a sign of self-adulation and self-satisfaction. Identity formation through a Facebook profile is arguably a rational process of self-deception. Most of the Facebook users cannot be measured on the basis of their self-evaluation as they have perfection in the art of deceiving others. Measuring someone through their own impression in person is achievable. In future, Facebook users may describe themselves in more complex terms than today; this may grow out because of the need unique and distinct appearance from others in an increasingly populous planet. References Boyd, D. and K. Crawford. (2012) Critical Questions for Big Data: Provocations for a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon. Information, Communication and Society: 662-679. Boyd, D. M. and N. Ellison. (2007)Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship . Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication: 210-230. Zà ºÃƒ ±iga, H. G., N. Jung and S. Venezuela. (2012)Social Media Use for News and Individuals Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Political Participation. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication: 319-336.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Human Muscular System Essay -- Science Biology

The Human Muscular System The human muscular system is made up of over 600 connecting muscles. All of the muscles work together in sync to make your body move in inumerable different ways. None of the body systems can work without muscles and your muscles can't work without your other body systems so that means that all of your body systems need each other to work and make your body function correctly. Your muscles need protein, nutrients, and oxygen to move and work. Then the circulatory system carries those essential particles to your muscles from the digestive and respiratory systems. That is when your circulatory system carries the leftover waste back to the original systems to be discharged from your body. Your nervous system runs the whole show by telling your different systems to make this whole process happen. Muscles Your muscles are made up of body tissue which consists of very very small fibers which make up your muscles and you also have ligaments which help your muscles move in the right way. Each of your muscles are responsible for their own special job. All of your muscles contract to provide motion when the brain sends a signal through the nervous system which are stimulants. These stimulants tell your muscles to move your arms, legs and other muscles move your eyelids and they all work in sync to make you walk and talk. There are some muscles in which you have no control over like the muscles in your internal organs like your heart, sto...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Passionate Learning :: Philosophy Psychology Education Essays

Passionate Learning To lack [self-respect] is to be locked within oneself, paradoxically incapable of either love or indifference.....It is the phenomenon sometimes called 'alienation from self.' In it's advanced stage, we no longer answer the telephone, because someone might want something; that we could say no without drowning in self-reproach is an idea alien to this game. -Joan Didion, "On Self-Respect" Last Spring, as part of a senior project, I took Tai Chi classes and researched how meditation is used in mind/body medicine. I read several books by doctors who use meditation as a form of healing, in stress-reduction clinics and as treatment for people suffering from severe pain and panic disorders. One doctor in particular, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches a method he calls mindfulness, in which he has his patients meditate in order to achieve total mind/body awareness. Zinn instructs patients to focus on their pain and to become aware of it. This often helps them realize that they can live with their pain. No pain is too extreme, he says, in the same way that no emotion is a wrong emotion. Awareness is the only absolute, and the only thing that allows people to live in the moment. Not live for the moment, but live in the moment. I left that project feeling extremely aware and extremely at peace. After three years of struggling to find answers, happiness, and a sense of purpose, I began to appreciate my present state of mind. I began to revel in the struggle, confusion, and push of not knowing. And as I approached graduation, my high school experience suddenly made sense to me. I understood life as a system of games. High school was simply one of them. I came to realize that playing games was both understandable and necessary as long as we are aware that we are playing them. I realized that a major struggle throughout high school had been my struggle to resist playing its game. I spent my three years at boarding school governed by my passions rather than playing by the rules of the institution. And in refusing to play by its rules, I made it increasingly more difficult for me to function within its realm. By rules, I do not mean the actual do's and don't's, but rather, I am referring to the prompts the school sets up in order to fulfill its goals as an academic institution.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Introduction to Phonetics

INTRODUCTION TO PHONETICS Communication is possible only with use of language. A language can be used in two ways for the purpose of communication . The two purpose of communication is spoken and written. Speech is more important medium than the medium of writing. USES OF SPEECH: *Speech comes first in history. *Speech comes first in the history of any individual. *Speech is used much more than writing as a medium, *Written language is an attempt to represent the sands used in spoken language. * Modern technology has given more importance to speech.Linguistics is a systematic study of language. Phonetics is a branch of linguistics and it is the branch dealing with the medium of speech . It deals with the production, transmission and reception of sounds of human speech. THE AIR STREAM MECHANISM: Speech needs air stream. The air stream that flows out of our mouth is modified into speech sounds by the action of creation organs of our body these are commonly known as â€Å"ORGANS OF SPE ECH†. For the articulation of most speech sounds lung air is used.The respirative system consisting of lungs, muscles of chest and wind pipe (trachea). since the air steam mechanism involves (inspiration) breathing in and breathing out (expiration). It is the expiratory lung-air that becomes the basis for the articulation of most of the speech sounds. The air stream involving in lung-air is called Pulmanic Air-stream. There are three main air streams mechanisms 1. Pulmanic 2. Glottalic 3. Velaric The Pulmanic air stream mechanism is initiate by the walls of the lungs. The air is drawn into

Online Payroll System Essay

This chapter presents a brief discussion and introduction about the proposed system, the Online Payroll System. Its conceptual framework, the process of the existing manual based system as well as the automated process of the proposed system, the problems and the possible ways to minimize the hassle of the existing system, and the objectives and significance of the study. Introduction Every employee needs to be paid for the services he provides. For this to happen, the employer must have a payroll system in place. So obviously, there are benefits to be derived from using a payroll system. A payroll system is the method used by payroll professionals to pay employees for their services. As computer technology changes at such fast phase, many businesses sectors try to cope up by upgrading computer system constantly in order to stay competitive. The multi-function ability of technology for its advance system is also an important factor for a company to use software. It makes efficient use of the advance technology and has ambition to discover more. Computers have the great impact on the profession of accounting. With the rapid growth of technology today, there is no doubt that computer will become a common asset in all profession. The program also allows the monthly payroll schedule to be calculated accurately. Just by having all employees’ info like name, working hours, pay rate many others to enter in the database. Therefore, payroll can be done with the guide of the program. The system is good in for its specialty in the fields of accounting. It is easy to use, effective and efficient in organizing and calculating the payroll. In addition, this study aims to develop a reliable and manageable computerized  payroll system for Eastwoods Professional College of Science and Technology for a better manageable of a business. The Proposed Online Payroll System will give a big relief of the employee and employers as well. Payroll consists of the process by which a business pays its employees for work performed during a specific period. A payroll system allows businesses to follow a set series of processes in order to make timely, correct payments incompliance with government regulations. A payroll system may be manual or computerized and handled in-house or outsourced to another provider. The payroll process typically includes calculating employee pay, recording payroll transactions and determining and paying payroll taxes. A company must have in place a timekeeping system that accurately reflects the hours put in employees as well as the regular salary payments for exempt workers. Employers typically withhold federal income tax from employee earnings; at the end of the year, they must report all wages, tips and other compensation paid. The solution has to take care of calculation of salary as per rules of the company. This Online Payroll System is a full-featured system that manages financial information of every employee in an organization. It computes and processes the payroll in the certain payroll period. This Online Payroll System is also a flexible compensation administration solution. It is designed to help human resource professionals as well as finance and accounting personnel to manage employee compensation, deductions, allowances, and benefits in an  organization. The system is integrated with the Employee’s information, offers efficient features and functionalities to manage company’s expenses. Background of the Study Nowadays all establishment are becoming modernized, they use modern technologies to make their transaction fast, easy, and accurate in order to avoid waste of time and for the sake of safety and security. It also helps human to solve and understand complex problem and analysis such us the  computational need of humans. Especially to business establishment or corporation processing enormous data and complex transaction. Payroll is an example of a complex transaction because it is a critical business operation dealing with numerous accounts and produce plenty and confidential files. Payroll is encompasses every employee of a company who receives a regular wages or other compensation due to each. Applying manual procedure on a Payroll transaction involving the vast beat answer in that problem would be computer because computers can simulate enormous data and can process complex transaction in a fast and efficient way. It can generate numerous accounts and data accurately. An Online Pa yroll System will not only provide accurate calculation and fast process of Payroll transaction but it will secure data through security implementation and accordingly arrange files provided by a well-designed database that will produce a paperless environment. Conceptual Framework The group gathered some data and information by conducting feasibility studies on heads of every department in EASTWOODS Professional College of Science and Technology by conducting an interview with them on how the user monitor and manage the items respectively, specifically to the main user of the inventory which is the admin. a. Process of the Existing System b. Process of the Proposed System Statement of the Problem The existing system expected to encounter problems with regards in the manual computation of the employee’s income. It might have an error in the computation because it is manually calculated. Moreover, the manual system needs so much effort and spends so many papers which is obviously expensive. Due to this, the developers think of the different possibilities wherein, the problems that were encountered in the manual-based payroll system will be taken away. The study intends to minimize the hassle in bookkeeping and calculating the employee’s income.The group seeks to answer the following: 1. Can the system lessen the hassle in data storage and calculation of  employee’s income of the payroll systems? 2. Can the system be able to surpass on the following criteria: Accuracy Security Reliability Accessibility Efficiency Flexibility Effectiveness and Functionality 3. From manually to online way of data storage and calculation of employee’s income in the proposed payroll system, what are the different advantages? Objective of the Study General Objectives To develop a network-based payroll system for Eastwoods Professional College of Science and Technology, that is user-friendly, more accurate, more efficient, and can easily produce reports of the transactions faster. Specific Objectives In order to fulfill our objective, we will observe the following: 1. To conduct an interview about the current payroll system. 2. Observed how the current payroll system performs the operations. 3. To identify the different problems of manual payroll system. 4. To help the municipal hall and the employee to make their work faster and shorter. 5. To identify problems in using the system through data flow diagram. 6. To design a new system that is an online based. Significance of the Study a. Economic Significance For the system is paperless, the proposed system is economically significant because it can lessen the expenses such as spending money for buying papers. b. Educational Significance The proposed system is educationally significant because the administrator may discover some new learning on how to develop and improve the system so that it become more reliable and more useful. c. Operational Significance The proposed system is very significant when it comes to the operation because it can avoid the hassle in calculating the employee’s income. Moreover, through the proposed system, it can lessen the error in calculation. Also, the data encoded in the proposed system is secure when disaster comes likes flood, typhoon, tsunami and many others. d. Legal Significance Scope and Limitation The scope of the developed system is to generate an Online Payroll System which is capable of calculating the employee’s income. The main user, which is the admin can use this Online Payroll System to calculate and store the encoded data online. The proposed system can automatically calculate the employee’s income after the admin encode all the information needed. Compare to the manual based system, this is more accurate, fast and easy to use. Moreover, every employee can access the Online Payroll System so that they can monitor their income individually. The project is developed by the Administrator and it will work only in EASTWOODS Professional College of Science and Technology. The proposed system is accessible in all web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and many others. There are 2 users that can access the system, the Admin and every employee. The Admin can view reports of the calculation of employee’s income. The pro posed system is useful as long as the internet connection is present.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Birthday Party

â€Å"Birthday Party† Love can fade away or be lost by even the strongest of couples in the view of society. The â€Å"Birthday Party,† by Katharine Brush relates the relationship of two â€Å"unmistakably married† couple, out for a small celebration, which goes wrong as an example of love that can not always be sustained by age. As couples get older it is harder to sustain love in front of society, and Brush shows the idea by incorporating symbolism, tone, and point of view to the story.Brush uses the tone to build up the audience’s emotions toward the married couple and also identify why the situation occurred. In the begging she mentions that they looked â€Å"unmistakably married† which emphasizes the bond of love that appears on the outside. The physical aspect of their relationship is good to show because it lets society know that there is a strong bond, making it easier for the audience to react in the shocked way that they did when the incid ent occurred. The contradicting choice of words of Brush when describing the incident also gives the confusion that something is not right.By using fadingly pretty, beamed with shy pride, unmistakably married, hotly embarrassed and not pleased you can see a foreshadowing of what may happen according to the mixed signals. In a way, it has the reader thinking back and fort whether this is love after a long period of time. What seems to be an ordinary day out, turns into a small celebration in which we can compare the minor events as symbolism to their love. The cake that was brought out showed the wife’s affection for her husband, therefore simply signified her love to him.When the cake was rejected by the husband, it meant that the husband had little interest in her love. This reveals that the strong physical relationship that the audience saw in the beginning is false now that they see the husband hotly mad. It shows that their love is slowly decaying in front of society. The fact that they are out in public illustrates the judgment of all to what love truly is, difficult to manage as time goes on. People will always be judgmental of couples and their relationship which is why Brush describes the wife as wearing a â€Å"big hat. The big hat that she wears, after she has been humiliated by her husband, represents what most girls do during emotional tolls. They use them to cover up their emotions so that they are not pitted on by others. This attempt to hide does not work very well because Brush describes the scene where the narrator shows a sign of pity for the lonely sobbing woman. In this short story love has shifted the couple’s relationship in a serious way which gives the audience an opinion of how they should react according to their point of view.There are many biased forms to interpret who is to blame for a fallen relationship. The way that Brush describes the story and from what point of view she portrayed the situation it seems as thoug h there is a feminist background on who is to blame for this relationship. Describing the woman more dramatically, â€Å"fadingly pretty† and â€Å"in a big hat,† than the man, it implies that she finds the woman to be more presentable to society; therefore carrying more about how people see her. There is evidence of acting dramatically.When she cried inside the restaurant, it can most likely show that from the point of view of the audience she was the helpless one with a broken heart and the man was very rude. Throughout life the bond of love is seen in society in different ways than they are seen in the inside. Society can change the view of love as Brush shows that love is can’t be predicted and that hopeless love is possible. If there is no hope for love as an older couple that it shows us what couples of today’s generation will go through. The Birthday Party Have you ever been so afraid that you have felt that even your hair trembled? When a delightful day starts and you are full of life but suddenly you think you are not going to tell your friends and family how much you love them, and how much you miss them before you die. At 7 o'clock in the evening I went to the cinema with some friends to celebrate my birthday. I knew that something was going wrong. I knew that, that night wasn't an ordinary night. I knew I had to go home on foot and not by car. Everything and everyone was different. My friends arrived and we decided to watch a horror movie, â€Å"Gothika†. We entered the screen but something strange happened. There weren't any other people! In the middle of the movie somebody was calling me. I did not know the number, so I did not answered but whoever it was, he kept calling. I answered. A creepy voice whispered, â€Å"It will rain tonight.† I told my friends about it, and they laughed. â€Å"Leoni don't be crazy! It's just a joke! This morning the sun was shining it will not rain! â€Å"Come on do not be afraid. Calm down Leoni!† Peter soothed. â€Å"The movie we have chosen is a bit scary and she is afraid. Calm down Leoni!† Epaminondas whispered. â€Å"She is just not in a good mood.† Maria said. â€Å"I am telling you there was something scary with those words, something strange.† I whispered. At about 11:25 everybody left and I started walking back home. There was a full moon. A terrifying wind made the trees rustle. The wind whistled through the leaves like a wining sound. I was so frightened. I felt like someone was coming after me. I saw a narrow road and I decided to go home from there. Suddenly, it started raining. I panicked. A howling voice whispered, â€Å"I told you, it will rain.† Blood boomed in my ears. I wanted to run away or close my eyes and be at home but it could not happen. While I was thinking about any ideas dealing with my scariness I saw an old lady. She was a short, fat lady and with grey hair. Was she behind this bad joke? She seemed like an ordinary woman with droopy eyes and short hair. I started walking towards her when a black figure appeared. Who was he? Was he someone she knew? Was he the one that phoned me? What was this night about? The man had long, black hair and almond eyes. He was carrying something. A knife! I wanted to warn her but I couldn't move. I was stuck and I couldn't move my legs. I called Maria she was sleeping. Jane was sleeping too. What shall I do? Who shall I phone to come and help me? What if it was all my imagination? I phoned Chris, I didn't say much. I just told him to come to the narrow road, near the cinema. The woman was still there. She seemed to be looking for something. The man was still behind her. I told Chris to pull me just to try and move my legs. I could walk! I could run! But I couldn't run for long until I stopped in front of the old lady. While trembling I asked, â€Å"What are you looking for?† â€Å"My umbrella, child, didn't anyone tell you it would rain tonight? You are all wet. Come, take my jacket!† she said. I looked behind me and I saw the man walking away. The figure became one with the dark night. When I turned around I saw him. My heart was beating so fast and I could hardly breathe. It missed a beat! He opened his mouth to say something and I noticed that he was missing a tooth. He was very scary. He whispered, â€Å"Didn't I tell you it would rain? You thought I was joking. You did not believe me! I will make you believe me!† â€Å"Chris! Chris! Where are you?† I shouted. I opened my eyes. Chris and my friends were next to me. They were all smiling but you knew they were upset. â€Å"†Was the film so boring that you slept while we were watching it?† Chris asked. â€Å"It was a nightmare! Thank God!† I called. â€Å"You have a missed call from an unknown number.† Epaminondas said. â€Å"Oh no!† I shouted. â€Å"What's wrong?† Maria asked. â€Å"I saw a nightmare. Don't tell me to explain it because I cannot. Please can somebody do me a favour?† I asked. â€Å"Whatever you want! We will always be there for you!† Joanna shouted. â€Å"Can you phone this number back?† I asked. â€Å"Sure.† Joanna said. She phoned. She waited. She phoned another time. Nobody answered. She phoned from her mobile. Again. No answer. â€Å"Leoni are you sure this is the right number?† She asked. â€Å"Yes. This was the number that phoned me.† I whispered. â€Å"But†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She mumbled. â€Å"But what? What is wrong? Tell me!† I cried. â€Å"This number is not in use.† She whispered. â€Å"It is! Look it is calling me again.†Ã¢â‚¬  I complained. â€Å"Answer it.† Maria suggested. â€Å"I t will rain tonight!† A creepy voice whispered. â€Å"Oh no! This cannot be happening! Can you take me home? Please?† I asked desperately. â€Å"Hello? Can you hear me? Maria? Joanna? Chris? Epaminondas?† I shouted. But nobody could hear me. It seemed that I was trapped somewhere and nobody could hear me or even see me. Yes†¦I was dreaming!!!!!!!! I opened my eyes and suddenly the lights went on, a chorus of happy voices yelled happily happy birthday to me!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

This assignment will examine issues around social exclusion and teenage pregnancy

Q. Describe and write a critique of any ‘personal trouble' and illustrate how the key theoretical concepts raised in this class can help you explain it as a ‘public issue'. This assignment will examine issues around social exclusion and teenage pregnancy. It will explore the links between teenage pregnancy, poverty, and how it links into the underclass theory. This assignment will look at the trends in teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom. It will focus on issues based around assumptions that teenage pregnancy is a personal trouble and a public issue and why teenage pregnancy is a problem and whom it is a problem for. I will be looking at what the government expectations of young people are and how they hope to raise the aspirations of these young people through education and training. It will examine the government policies and practices in relation to teenage pregnancy whilst critically analysing the implications that these have on teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy according to figures published in S. E. U (1999) are rising dramatically and despite the introduction of compulsory sex education there doesn't seem to be anyway of stopping these figures from further rising. In England alone there are approximately 90,000 young people getting pregnant, girls under 16 account for about 7,700 of these pregnancies, and approximately 2,200 of these being under 14 years of age. Out of these pregnancies around 3/5,s go to full term and result in live births. If you explore this further the figures show that around 56,00 babies are born each year to teenage mothers. The figures suggest that there are 87,000 children living with teenage mothers in England alone. These statistics are frighteningly high and the government is aiming to halve the rate of teenage pregnancies in nder 18 year olds by the year 2010. Teenage pregnancy occurs in all classes of society but the figures show definite links between teenage pregnancy, being more prevalent in the poorer underclass, and those daughters of single mothers who themselves may have been teenage mothers. These links according to S. E. U (1999) state that ‘ socialisation and deprivation are two of the main causes of teenage pregnancy. ‘ They also state that ‘overall teenage parenthood is more common in areas of deprivation and poverty†¦ teenage pregnancy is often a cause and a consequence of social exclusion. Information collated and analysed by the S. E. U enabes us to see how they have reached their theories surrounding teenage pregnancy. It shows how they identified and linked the risk factors to teenage pregnancy and how all of these seem to have an association with the poorest category of society the `underclass`. The report by the S. E. U (1999) also shows how these risk factors can be seen in geographical concentrations, thus the teenage pregnancy map, ‘ resembles the distribution of local authorities identified as the most deprived in the unit's report on neighbourhood enewal. ‘ The map shows that the poorest areas of England have up to more than six times a higher rate of teenage pregnancies than the more affluent areas. The areas outside of London which have been identified has having the highest rates of conception amongst young people are industrial cities which are going through economic recession and ports which are suffering from loss of jobs due to the recent collapse of ship building industries. How does this then prove the government's theory that teenage pregnancy is linked to social exclusion? A list of factors relating to women in their mid-thirties who had become teenage mothers, the evidence confirms that the vast majority are low achiever's, do not work, single with many being reliant on long term benefits. As a result of this they have not had the opportunity to progress in life and has a result of this are trapped in the cycle of poverty, deprivation and social exclusion. Hence the S. E. U report say ‘teenage pregnancy is often the cause and a consequence of social exclusion †¦ overall teenage parenthood is more common in areas of deprivation and poverty'. Thus adding weight to the governments argument about teenage pregnancy being a public issue. The figures show that teenage pregnancy is a public issue; the facts show that the UK has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe. This is three times higher than France and nearly six times higher than Holland. Could this be down to our lack of morals? The fact remains that in Holland if you have a child in your teenage years and out of wedlock the local communities still shun you and there is a lot of social stigma attached to this. Whilst in the UK teenage pregnancy along with cohabiting has become the `norm` and are more easily accepted, with very little stigma attached to it. The law states that sex under sixteen is unlawful and young women cannot give consent for sexual intercourse to take place. Yet in 2000 there were more than 7,000 young people under sixteen, who had conceived, with over 54% ending in legal abortions. That is a lot of young people participating in an illegal sexual intercourse. Where have all the traditional family values gone? Traditionally people meet, fall in love, get married, have children and become a loving secure family unit. With the changing trends and loss of family values more than 90% of teenage births are outside of marriage. Thus changing family life has it was and creating a new trend towards single young mothers, children being brought up without permanent father figures, who are dependent upon the state to provide for them unless some changes can be made. The government states that it costs tax payers over i10 billion each year, the S. E. U reports say that this money could be better spent else where, and that unless we get this phenomena under control we can not support this rising tide of young teenage mothers. The government has been looking at the Netherlands and the United States for inspiration on how to deal with these issues. The Netherlands have one of the lowest teenage birthrate, they educate young people from a young age and take a more realistic approach to sex education. Compare this to the United States who do not provide support for teenage mothers and have used controversial measures such as forced sterilisation of certain ethnic groups and the family of these young people have to support them financially and emotionally in order for them to survive. Do young people see it as a problem? Is it an issue for young people? After looking at facts there seems to be no evidence that states it is a problem for the young people themselves, thus it is no big issue for them. Maybe it is just another way for the government to control the lives of young people? The government seems to be saying that teenage mothers are not equipped with the skills and knowledge to become competent parents, but who decides what makes a good parent, how can age be a deciding factor in good and bad parenting. So is it just an assumption that teenage pregnancy is a problem, functionalists would argue that it is just a process of socialisation and that if the young people aspirations could be raised then they would be able to break the cycle. Durkheim's anomie theory (1951: 273) seems to suggest ‘that a condition of normalness arises when a disruption of the social order occurs†¦ so that they are no longer controlled by the collective social order. ‘ Compare this to Merton's anomie (1938:53) ‘ the roots of which lie in a structural strain, generated by differential access to opportunity structures. Currently young girls who have little or no education and very few plans for the future are 30% more likely to get pregnant than those who aspire to gain qualifications and are well educated. Not being educated, in training or work are factors that are seen as being a negative influence on young girls and thus the risk of them becoming pregnant rises. Teenagers from socially deprived, poor families are less likely to have abortions compared to the young girls from more affluent families has they have higher aspirations in life and also have the funds to pay for private abortions. The lack of aspirations in the poorer young girls life, can lead them to believe that they can do nothing else and also if it was not a personal trouble for their mother then why should they expect anything else in life. Evidence seems to support the socialisation theory, with young girls often having no prospects due to lack of education, family support to break the cycle, believing that this is the way life is that this is all that life has to offer them and seeing that this is the way their life has been apped out for them. The lack of knowledge and confidence can also stop young girls from accessing services, which are available to them, and this just reinforces the negativity within their lives. As a result of finding themselves pregnant many young girls from poorer backgrounds, are less likely to continue with their education, compared to the young girls from more affluent homes who are expected to succeed in education and already have a prosperous career mapped out for them by their parents and peers. As a result of this young mothers from poor areas, start to become trapped in the cycle of poverty, with no way of supporting themselves and child they find themselves in the benefit trap. If they wait until the child is old enough to start school, returning to education is extremely hard and most training and apprenticeships are only open to school leavers. So with no experience, qualifications, expensive childcare and limited employment options due to most young mothers only being able to afford to work during the school time hours which are usually the lowest paid jobs the poverty trap begins a down ward spiral of debt and depravation. Therefore becoming a single teenage mother is a stigma and figures show them to be a burden on society hence a public issue. Are teenage mothers to blame for the creation of the emerging underclass in society? Teenage young mothers are often referred to as being a contributing factor in creating the underclass. The underclass theory (Murray 1980) describes this as ` people who are at the bottom of the social ladder, structurally separate and culturally distinguishable from the `decent` working class `. Murray (1980) discovered this new class of people in the 80's and he labelled them as the new underclass in Britain. He blames this emerging underclass on the over zealous welfare state system, which was set up to provide relief from poverty, not provide people with an alternative way of life. Where has Marx (1951) suggests that` we are born into a social class†¦ which are modified locally by region and neighbourhood`. Thus the teenage mothers cannot be to blame for the creation of the underclass, which adds viability to the theory put forward by Murray. The result of this theory is that there are now younger single parent families due to the ability to support themselves through the benefit system. Murray (1980) goes on to say that before the welfare system started to increase the level of provision there were few single parent families because they were not economically viable. He states `that the more generous benefits have made it possible for women to have children outside of marriage†¦ therefore the welfare state is to blame for this phenomenon. Thus he argues that the benefit system is to blame for single parents and they are a contributing factor of the underclass theory. Charles Murray (1980) goes on to say that we are creating a culture of dependency and if the benefits were taken away from single parents, it would discourage young people from becoming pregnant and is a possible solution to stop further development of the underclass. Many other people believe that young girls get pregnant on purpose in order to gain priority in the housing and benefits system. There are many flaws in Murray's (1980) theory the main one being that single teenage parents is seen in all class stratification and is not exclusive to the underclass element of society. Statistics show that young people do not start to enquire about benefits and housing prior to getting pregnant therefore these facts are not a forethought to getting pregnant. Research shows that most teenage pregnancies are not planned and young people seem to rarely plan for the future until after they are pregnant so they are very unlikely to have become pregnant in order to obtain benefits. Liberal thinking social theorists argues that the idea of an underclass diverts attention away from what the real issues are and the disadvantages experienced by certain groups of people in society especially young people from working class backgrounds. The conservatives denied poverty existed, so why is there a need for a welfare state and where is the emerging underclass. Labour said that it is just a lack of means to work that causes poverty, thus justifying the need for a welfare state and acknowledging the `underclass` exists. Other political groups outside these seem to blame poor education, bad housing unemployment, and family breakdown has main reasons why people become dependent on benefits and thus the underclass theory serves a purpose to hide the real causes of teenage pregnancy and social exclusion. Teenage pregnancy is a cause of and consequence of social exclusion, these young people share the values as everyone else unfortunately they have limited opportunities and are therefore restricted in plans for their future. These young people are deemed to be suffering from inequalities in life and are victims of an unjust society, which fails to ensure a fairer distribution of opportunities and resources. Poverty and social exclusion has a direct affect on the choices young women make about abortion and sex education, and if all young people had the same opportunities and options open to them when they find themselves pregnant or prior to having sex then maybe the rate of teenage pregnancies would fall. If young women have a clear vision about their future, their options in life explained clearly through education and training then they will have nothing to gain by choosing early parenthood. Whereas young people with no job prospects, poor education, who expects to be on benefits anyway might see that having a baby is going to provide them with a better future. The government are under pressure to cut the rate of teenage pregnancies as currently the UK has the highest rate in the western world. So what can the government do when the media seems to undermine all the initiatives that the labour government have come up with? All the media misrepresentation has altered the public's perception of teenage pregnancy and how the sex education program is delivered. The general consensus seems to be that Pregnancy advice is right, just the tactics used to deliver it are wrong. The media has highlighted this issue, alongside figures pointing out the amount of money currently being spent to deliver these services. It implies that all the time and money is being wasted has teenage pregnancy rates continue to ise. The media seems to be blaming the government for wasting money and accusing them of being dictators to young people The Daily Mail newspaper reports â€Å"60 million to tell girls that it is okay to be a virgin† how can this reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy, this nanny government is wasting money telling young people how to their lives. Whilst the girls are being advised to stay virgins they are not being told about sex and how it could affect them in their future and the message to boys is that sex is okay just wear a condom so the gap between the genders just keeps getting reinforced. The government have responded to this positively by bringing out new policies and are changing ways of delivering this service to youngpeople these include: Compulsory sex education: Sex education in schools is to become compulsory part of the national curriculum and will be taught alongside reading, writing, maths and science. The fact that it is compulsory seems to indicate that all children are being taught sex education but this is not so as parents can opt to remove their children if they so wish to. So were is the compulsory part? Should it be given to all children regardless to what a parent may feel? It is a civil right for every young person to be educated, so why is the choices to learn about sex being taken away from the young person, Why does a parent have the right to dictate to the young person what they need to learn to become a responsible adult later in life? Without sex education how can a child make the transition through adolescence from a child to a teenager who has a need to experiment sexually safely? To conclude, teenage pregnancy is a personal personal and a public issue. Many adoloscents I think fell trapped in a viscious circle. However I think that social exclusion and teenage pregnance are inextricably linked and these terms cannot be separated. The government have reccomended that young people should have better access to sex advice and other issues based around sex education. This is good practice but these clinics are not available countrywide, it is up to individual schools and parents to decide whether or not this service is should be available. On the other hand would these clinics encourage young people to have sex which would create an even bigger public issue?